Use this tool to convert gold price per ounce to price per gram, and see the total value of your gold weight in ounces.
How to Convert Gold Price from Ounce to Gram
Gold in the U.S. is typically quoted in troy ounces. However, many investors and collectors
also want to see the price per gram. Remember:
1 troy ounce = 31.1034768 grams
To convert, simply divide the gold price per ounce by 31.1034768 to find the price per gram.
Examples: Ounce to Gram Conversion
Example 1: If gold is $2,000 per ounce, the approximate price per gram is $2,000 / 31.1034768 ≈ $64.30/g.
Example 2: If you have 2 ounces of gold at $1,900/oz, you own 2 x 31.1034768 = 62.2069536 g,
and total value is about $3,800.
Example 3: For 0.5 oz at $1,950/oz, total grams is 0.5 x 31.1034768 ≈ 15.5517 g
with a value of ~$975.
Historical Insights into Gold Prices
Gold has been a universal store of value for millennia, dating back to ancient civilizations.
In modern times, the official U.S. price of gold was fixed at $35/oz after the Bretton Woods agreement (1944),
until the gold standard began to dissolve in the 1970s. With the rise of global markets, gold prices are now set by
worldwide supply and demand, and are often influenced by economic factors such as inflation, central bank policies,
and geopolitical events.
FAQ: Common Questions About Gold Ounce-to-Gram Conversion
1. Are gold prices always quoted in troy ounces?
Most international markets, especially in the USA, use troy ounces for gold.
However, some regions use grams, and investors may convert as needed.
2. How accurate is this online calculator?
The calculator is approximate. We round to two decimals.
Real market prices may vary slightly depending on premiums and real-time quotes.
3. Can I use this for scrap gold?
Yes. If you know your scrap gold purity (karat) and weight in ounces,
you can estimate its value by referencing the current spot price.
4. Why does the market use troy ounces instead of regular ounces?
Troy ounces are a historical standard for precious metals.
1 troy ounce (~31.10 g) differs from the common avoirdupois ounce (~28.35 g).
5. How can I track the daily gold price?
You can follow reputable financial sites, bullion dealers, or specialized gold market trackers
for up-to-date spot prices.
Testimonials and Reviews
Jonathan, Collector:
"This ounce-to-gram converter is super handy. I regularly check my coin weights and values in grams."
Samantha, Jewelry Maker:
"A quick conversion from ounces to grams helps me accurately price my handmade gold pieces."
Allen, Investor:
"I often buy gold in troy ounces but need the price per gram for small bar comparisons. Perfect tool!"
Christina, Student:
"Really clear instructions. Learned about troy ounces vs. grams for my research project."
Michael, Pawn Shop Owner:
"Easy to estimate gold value for clients. I appreciate the accuracy and simplicity."